What is Light of the Hills Lutheran Church all about (our mission)?

Creating Community in Christ.

God has always been in the business of creating community. He created a perfect world and placed the first two humans in it to manage and care for the earth. While our sin has damaged and destroyed community, in Jesus the Savior, God is recreating community around the world.

What does this look like (our vision)?

  • Connect: Jesus forms His community by connecting to people in worship.
  • Cultivate: Jesus grows His community deeper by cultivating us in His Word.
  • Care: Jesus teaches His community to care for others in service.
  • Carry: Jesus leads His community to carry the message of the Gospel in our lives and on our lips.
  • Connect: Jesus forms His community by connecting to people in worship.
  • Cultivate: Jesus grows His community deeper by cultivating us in His Word.
  • Care: Jesus teaches His community to care for others in service.
  • Carry: Jesus leads His community to carry the message of the Gospel in our lives and on our lips.