8:00 am Worship – LIVESTREAM
9:30 am Bible Study – LIVESTREAM
9:30 am Sunday School
10:45 am Worship
Our nursery is staffed during the 8:00 am service for children aged 0-4. Our attendant has undergone a third-party background check. An infant cry room is also available in the back of the sanctuary for parents who want to step out of worship with their child but who would like to continue listening to the service.
Join us in the Education Building (the back building) for free coffee, snacks, and fellowship on Sundays from 9:00-9:30 am.
Our services are intergenerational and include a children’s bulletin just for the little ones, because we believe it’s good for kids to worship with their families. We welcome the extra noise this sometimes brings – we’re just happy you’re here!

Welcome from the Pastor
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here – regardless of your past, your questions, or your struggles in the present. At Light of the Hills you’ll find a warm, loving, and down-to-earth community who will be happy to learn with and walk alongside you in your faith journey.
As Christians, we gather together because we are all sinners in need of the forgiveness and salvation that God the Father gives through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us that for the sake of Jesus and His saving life, death, and resurrection, God offers His undeserved love and favor to you and all humanity as a free gift, and that God the Holy Spirit delivers these gifts to us through Word and Sacrament in worship.
We believe this message is the central theme of the Bible, and as a theologically conservative church our life together revolves around this good news – whether that’s through the preaching of God’s Word in worship, Bible study, fellowship, or in service and mission activities during the week. What’s more, these promises of God mean that even in these challenging times, we have real hope, joy, purpose, and peace in Christ.
If you’d like to know more about Lutheran teaching, check out our Beliefs page, or consider taking our Fit for Life class, an introductory class for those interested in our church, with no obligation to join afterward.
In Christ,
Pastor Alan Sommer
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