Welcome from the Pastor

Welcome! We’re glad you’re here – regardless of your past, your questions, or your struggles in the present. At Light of the Hills you’ll find a warm, loving, and down-to-earth community who will be happy to learn with and walk alongside you in your faith journey.

As Christians, we gather together because we are all sinners in need of the forgiveness and salvation that God the Father gives through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us that for the sake of Jesus and His saving life, death, and resurrection, God offers His undeserved love and favor to you and all humanity as a free gift, and that God the Holy Spirit delivers these gifts to us through Word and Sacrament in worship.

We believe this message is the central theme of the Bible, and as a theologically conservative church our life together revolves around this good news – whether that’s through the preaching of God’s Word in worship, Bible study, fellowship, or in service and mission activities during the week. What’s more, these promises of God mean that even in these challenging times, we have real hope, joy, purpose, and peace in Christ.

If you’d like to know more about Lutheran teaching, check out our Beliefs page, or consider taking our Fit for Life class, an introductory class for those interested in our church, with no obligation to join afterward.

In Christ,

Pastor Alan Sommer

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Please visit our Sermon Archives for more.

Light of the Hills Lutheran Church is a Christian church, part of the worldwide Christian Church. We believe that there is only one true God, who reveals himself in the Bible as being three persons in one God– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians  13:14).

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, spoken through human authors. It is trustworthy and without error. Its main message is the free gift of eternal life found in Jesus, the only Son of God.

You can find out much more about what we believe here.

Both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 am worship services are about 75 minutes. Adult Bible study and children’s Sunday School run approximately 60 minutes, from 9:30-10:30 am.

Yes. Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am adult Bible Study is held in the sanctuary. At the same time, Sunday School is held in the Education Building (the back building) for ages Pre-K to High School. Please visit Bible Studies for more information.

Light of the Hills’ worship style can be described as a blend of old and new, with warm and energetic participation from the congregation. The basic progression of our worship follows the traditional, historic liturgy (order of service), which is based in Scripture and attested to by the early church in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. During the service we hear God’s Word read and preached, then celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Throughout the service there will be times you are invited to listen, sing, and pray collectively with the congregation.

Musically, some of our songs are ancient and some are new. For example, you’ll probably find us singing O Come O Come Emmanuel around Christmas, which can be traced back to approximately AD 1000, but it also wouldn’t be unusual to hear a song like Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, which was released in 2021. Regardless, all of our music is intended to be: Christ-focused and Gospel-centered; easy to sing for the entire congregation; substantive and faithful to Scripture; and collectively representative of a wide range of Scriptural themes.

The average Sunday attendance at worship services is 250, split between two services.

Come as you are, casual or dressy. Every Sunday in worship there are some people wearing ties, and some wearing shorts or jeans, but neither will stand out.

Yes! Services and Bible studies can be watched live by clicking here. Sermons can be watched after the fact here and Bible studies here.

Light of the Hills celebrates Holy Communion every Sunday at the 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. worship services.