Altar Guild

The Altar Guild enables our worship to happen each week by taking care of the set-up and clean-up of Holy Communion, caring for and hanging banners and seasonal paraments, caring for fair linens, and caring and cleaning clergy and acolyte robes. If you want to support our weekly worship and are interested in learning more about the meaning behind different parts of our worship, consider joining the Altar Guild! For more information, contact Lesley Tucker or Debbie Paul.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Help host our Sunday morning coffee fellowship time between worship services from 9:00-9:30 am in the Multipurpose Room in the Education Building. Duties involve set-up, clean-up, and of course, making people feel welcome! For more information, contact Stephanie Luther.

Ushers and Greeters

Greeters welcome members and visitors to Light of the Hills before each worship service and help to answer any questions they might have. If you enjoy getting to know people and appreciate the warm sense of community here at Light of the Hills, this is the job for you!

Ushers hand: out worship bulletins before each service; guide visitors to the restrooms, nursery, and cry room when needed; collect the offering and direct people to communion; and assist those with any additional needs during the service.

For more information about serving as a greeter or an usher, contact Joerg Schulze-Clewing.


Aid in worship by advancing the slides during Sunday morning worship. The job is straightforward, but it has a big impact in helping people to follow along and hear God’s Word! For more information, contact the Church Office.

Sound Board Operators

Help out during worship services by managing our sound system for our pastors, readers, and musicians. No previous knowledge required, but must be willing to be trained on the sound board. For more information, contact the Church Office.

Livestream Camera Operators

Allow us to continue livestreaming our worship services and Bible studies online to shut-ins and those who are unable to make in-person worship, as well as to visitors who are curious about Light of the Hills and want to check us out online. Being comfortable with technology is helpful for this position, but no previous knowledge is necessary to be trained for this role. For more information, contact the Church Office.

Sunday School Teachers & Assistants

Help raise up our youth in the faith by teaching or assisting in a Sunday School classroom from 9:30-10:30 am on Sundays. Lesson plans, supplies, and training are provided, and opportunities range from Pre-K through Jr. High. For more information, contact Stephanie Luther.