It hurts to lose a loved one.

It can be difficult to process, to imagine how you’re supposed to move forward, and to find people who will listen to your pain, much less understand. But here at Light of the Hills, we believe you don’t have to go through the mourning process alone. To that end, our trained volunteers host a GriefShare group semi-regularly throughout the year (see below for the next available sessions), where people who have lost ones are invited to process through their grief together. For the duration of the class, participants meet weekly to help you face these very real challenges through video sessions with experts, guided support group discussions, and personal study and reflection using a guided workbook between sessions.

The group is open to the community, and there’s no obligation to become a member of the church, but we promise you’ll find GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you in this difficult season of life. Join us and find real compassion, healing, and hope.

When is GriefShare scheduled next?

The next 13-week session will begin on August 29th. We meet on Thursdays, and the last class will be on November 21st. Classes are held on the bottom floor of the Education Building, the building behind the main church, in Room 102 from 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm. There is a walkway between the Educational Building and the church, leading to the entrance. It’s the first room on the right when you come in. There is plenty of parking, and cold water is provided.

Please sign up in the narthex if you would like to attend or contact Ron Chan (530.409.2574)

You can register for this group online here: Light of the Hills GriefShare Page.

Anyone who has experienced the death of a family member or friend is invited to attend our GriefShare series. GriefShare is a nondenominational, biblical support group that focuses on helping people who are dealing with a loved one’s death. Each DVD session features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories, followed by small group discussion about the topics presented (with workbook support). The workbook also provides a brief daily Bible study.

At each GriefShare session you will find encouragement and help in grieving the death of your loved one. No matter the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn how to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief and how to cope with the normal emotions that come when grieving a death. You will learn valuable information on facing life situations, and you’ll gain renewed hope for the future. These sessions are open to any adult regardless of whether your experience is recent or not so recent.

The group is led by individuals who have personally experienced grief due to a loved one’s death. Each leader is trained in facilitating a GriefShare support group. A $20 registration fee includes materials. Please don’t let this fee keep you from attending, we can cover the fee in case of a hardship. Information about the weekly topics can be found on the GriefShare website at While you are on the website, we encourage you to sign up for the free daily email encouragements. You will find them informative and comforting.